Why Do We Need to Pray For Our Children?
Dr. Jun Amparo
As parents, our duty goes beyond ensuring there is always food on the table, sending them to school, or taking them to the malls to buy something they need. Our solemn obligation is to earnestly pray for our children and ensure they will develop a genuine love for Jesus.
DR. Jun AmparoApr 3, 2023, 8:55 AM
Being a responsible parent is more than just providing physical needs and emotional support to our children. Although they are essential, the ultimate question is how to support our children when they feel discouraged, pressured, and want to give up due to some challenges in life?
In other words, how can we help our children in fulfilling God's purpose for their lives? Most importantly, how do we motivate them to explore and discover God's goodness, which will lead them to have a positive spiritual experience?
While these questions have always lingered in my mind, the bottom line is that we need to seek guidance from the Lord. Our children have been entrusted to us by God. However, let us face the reality that parenting requires commitment and dedication as it can drain your energy. Our deepest desire is to raise them as God-fearing children and succeed in life.
Our solemn obligation is to pray for them.
As parents, our duty goes beyond ensuring there is always food on the table, sending them to school, or taking them to the malls to buy something they need. Our solemn obligation is to earnestly pray for our children and ensure they will develop a genuine love for Jesus.
Sadly, most parents today are preoccupied with demanding roles, and they do not have time to nurture the faith of the little ones. To have a clear direction in my prayer, I decided to buy a ring binder notebook to start a prayer journal. I wrote several concerns I would like to bring to the Lord as part of my weekly prayer for my children in that journal.
For instance, I pray for our kids' school performance, teachers, and classmates and ask God to give them the wisdom to be more mindful of others' needs. The disciple had asked Jesus to teach them how to pray. However, our goal as a parent is to seek God and find time to pray for our children as our solemn obligation.
Children need praying parents.
Who says that only adults can suffer from stress and anxiety? Whether we like it or not, children also have been confronted with issues and challenges—academic pressure, bullying, peer pressure, addiction to online video games, physical and mental abuse, teen pregnancy, etc.
If you are a busy parent with limited connection with your children, connecting and understanding their inner world is quite challenging. In other words, asking them, "How's your day?" will only give you a superficial answer like "I'm fine, Dad."
Praying for children is one of the most powerful things you can do as a parent. Children need our prayer just like they need food to nourish their physical bodies. Pray daily with your children, and ensure you support and nurture their spiritual needs.
Pray for children's safety and protection.
Unfortunately, the community we live in today may no longer be an as safe place as it used to be. We have seen the impact of the crime rate related to violence and abuse involving kids or minors. For instance, our children are subjected to hundreds of offensive images and words on social media and online games.
Also, they become the vulnerable target of cyberbullying. Our children will be protected from the snare of evil if their parents pray for them consistently. Ask God to protect them daily from others who would be an evil influence. Your goal as a parent is to encourage them to make the right choices and pray that they may choose good friends who will influence them positively.
There is no doubt that sincere prayer is powerful and can significantly impact your children. The truth is that it is impossible to survive in a spiritual battle without prayer. Therefore, take prayer as a high priority.
Bend your knees for wisdom.
It is not easy to nurture the children's faith when parents do not have a prayer life. If you want to positively influence your children's lives, you need to model your children how to pray fervently. Be an example of Christian integrity for your children.
All of our efforts will be in vain without wisdom and guidance from the Lord. We do not want to repeat the mistakes of priest Eli in the Bible due to his poor parenting skills. Some parents are confused, and they feel helpless.
Bend your knees if you need wisdom, especially if you struggle to discipline your children. Set a good example for your children, and let your prayerful habit be a sign of your spiritual commitment.
Being busy is not an excuse.
At some point, every parent realizes the value of time and that our children will not stay under our roof as they will be grown up someday. No one cares for your children more than you do.
Diligent prayer helps us focus on what is truly important in our children’s lives. No one else but you may be praying for your children, so if you do not pray, who will? So, enjoy being a parent while constantly and lovingly reminding them to listen to your spiritual instructions.
Being busy is not an excuse. Make sure you set time and allow your children to hear your prayers by praying aloud. Acknowledge your dependence upon God to fulfill the calling He has given you as a parent.
Final thoughts
Overall, we want what is best for our children. However, the best thing we could offer our children is to pray for them. Our children need encouragement and support so they will grow spiritually.
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